Spring Renewal

There is something magical about the time of year when winter begins to wane, the days get longer, and tulip bulbs emerge from the surface of the ground. I believe it is the same with me.  Spring is the time of year I awaken from the winter slog and step into physical, spiritual and emotional renewal.  It is also the time of year that I pull my bicycle out of the garage and abandon the stationary bike in my basement.  As I did last spring, in an effort to escape from the pandemic lockdown and the pressure to clean one more surface in my house, my husband and I pack up our bikes and set forth on a local 10-mile trail in the Long Island Pine Barrens that becomes a weekly outing. 

Soon every Sunday despite the call of household chores, and life’s other priorities we brush off the bicycles, pack the mask, helmet and water bottle to wind our way through a trial where we encounter a sod farm, train tracks, airport runway, stretches of pine trees and a golf course.  During these weekly rides we will encounter a community of other riders that we wave and give greetings to as our bikes pass by.  This is part of a ritual that I look forward to each week that gives me the space I need away from computers, tv, cell phones and white noise.  These days there are so many things to be distracted by and worried about.  Concerns such as the health of family and friends, providing quality education in an online environment and remembering to take care of daily tasks persist.  However, finding the time to reconnect to the sun, listen to sounds of the whistling of trees and breathing in the smell of freshly cut grass awakens my soul.  When spring beckons you make sure to heed the call.

Lauren Tacke-Cushing, Ed.D. is the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at Suffolk County Community College.