After the Long Winter

I write this on March 21st the chronological date of which spring official begins. Grass will become a vibrant green again and flowers will begin to bloom.  Both figuratively and literally spring begins for us.  After a year-long winter of that which is the COVID-19 pandemic, a vaccine is gradually being distributed to the global population, the world is slowly opening up again and we emerge to feel the warmth of the sun on our faces. This past year we have personally and professionally faced immense challenges, while navigating and adapting to uncertainty and evolving complexities. We have lost friends, family members, neighbors and co-workers. People have lost jobs and struggle to keep their homes and families intact. We have kept colleges, universities, organizations and places of business running from our kitchen tables, living rooms and bedrooms.  This year has been a time of reflection, one of which many have come to terms with what is truly important in their lives both personally and professionally. We have exercised resilience, tenacity, strength and creativity. We have shown our mettle. And now we move forward.

Nothing will ever be the same as it was before the long winter.  We must fully recognize that uncertainty and ambiguity will continue to be a part of our lives.  Let’s stop using the word normal and embrace uncertainty.  The world we live in is dynamic and continually changing. We cannot find comfort in complacency and stagnation if we are to thrive, not just survive.  To thrive we must be adaptable and learn the art of the pivot.  What are the risks that we are willing to take to grow, to continually renew professionally and personally?  How will we choose to be authentic and choose to align ourselves with the opportunities that allow us to flourish and blossom?  How will we cultivate a growth mindset? How will we find opportunity in the face of crisis and adversity?

Kenya Nyota Lee is a higher education administrator, doctoral student at Northeastern University and the NYC Regional Coordinator of the New York ACE Women’s Network.